Millions of children across Canada have been rolling out of their beds this past week and wishing for just one more week of summer holidays. Some will extend their time out of the classroom without their parents ever knowing (the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) reports truancy rates in Canada as being among the worst of the OECD countries, with up to 26% of Canadian children missing classes each year). They have the good fortune to live in a country where, regardless of whether they ‘skip’ school today, they will always have the right to attend tomorrow.
Meanwhile, the United Nations estimates that 57 million children still remain out of school in developing countries, while more than 100 million more lack basic literacy skills. Education for these children isn’t a right, or something they decide to opt in or out of every day – it’s an advantage many are not born fortunate enough to experience.
At CanEducate, we believe education is the single greatest weapon against global poverty. Your support is proving vital and has helped us tell many stories of the positive lasting impact that education has on villages and communities. No action is ever too small:
- Donate! You can set up periodic or one-off donations via our website or through Canada Helps. Canada Helps even enables you to donate securities or mutual funds – a more tax-efficient way of supporting our cause.
- Get social. If you’re on Facebook or Twitter you can help to share our mission with your network of friends and contacts in just one click. Please like and follow our pages via the buttons on the CanEducate website.
- Spread the word. Since launch, we’ve seen an increasing number of visitors to our website and donations from people that you’ve referred to our cause. Please keep talking about the work CanEducate is doing and how people can get involved.
As children across North America head to their schools this month, please take a moment to help provide similar opportunities for those where such a seemingly simple act has real, long-term community-changing impact.
On behalf of everyone at CanEducate we thank you for your continued support – your contributions are instrumental in laying incredible foundations for the futures of the communities in which we work.
Rishi Ghuldu
President, CanEducate
Vice-President, Supply Chain & Asset Management at Goldcorp Inc