About Us

CanEducate is a Non-Profit Team

CanEducate is a registered Canadian charitable organization. We passionately believe education is the single most powerful weapon in the global fight against poverty. CanEducate provides educational sponsorships to impoverished and at-risk children in developing countries. CanEducate is managed by an independent, volunteer Board of Directors and a dedicated team of collaborators. Charitable Registration Number: 81686 0050 RR0001.

CanEducate has the heart of a charity and mind of a business. Our administrative costs are only 1% of total donations, meaning virtually every dollar donated directly benefits the students whose potential we’re helping to unleash.

We have delivered more than 10,000 scholarships to at-risk youth across Sub-Saharan Africa and Central America in the last five years.

Our goal is to raise CDN$250,000 in donations in the next 12 months, which would allow us to reach approximately 15,000 scholarships in only eight years of existence.

CanEducate Board

Our dedicated team of senior business professionals volunteers their time to CanEducate

Feaz Rahim


Feaz Rahim is the CFO at Black & McDonald, where he oversees the financial function…

Rishi Ghuldu


Rishi Ghuldu is currently Founder & CEO of ZERV Inc., a technology startup backed by…

Caroline Jordan

Communications Lead

Caroline Jordan is a communications specialist working at the intersection of communications, design, and urbanism, with…

CanEducate Partners

We thank our current and past partners for their ongoing support.