
CanEducate’s mission: Improving literacy to create opportunity

CanEducate’s mission: Improving literacy to create opportunity

A new look and new energy in our mission

CanEducate has big plans for 2017. We’ve relaunched our website and we’re kicking off our fundraising campaign with a renewed sense of vigour. CanEducate is also celebrating a significant milestone in 2017, which is that we’ve now provided our 10,000th scholarship since our founding in 2010.

We’re also excited that in 2017 we will be bringing a new school in a new country into the CanEducate family. Pragati Wheel, is a school in Delhi, India that was established in 2007. It provides education to over 250 children, primarily from the farmers and agricultural workers in the river bed of Yamuna in Delhi. I’m proud that CanEducate can now boast of carrying out our mission of supporting and enabling the futures of children in four countries – Guatelmala, Tanzania, Zambia and India.
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“CanEducate has a significant milestone on the horizon for 2017, which will be to provide our 10,000th scholarship since our founding in 2010.”
Rishi Ghuldu, President, CanEducate

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]As, you can read in one of our recent posts, this past fall marked the 50th anniversary of UNESCO’s International Day of Literacy. It’s a celebration of five decades’ work helping to improve the quality of literacy across the world, particularly in developing countries. It’s also a reminder that, with literacy rates still below 70% in Central America – and less than 50% across much of Sub-Saharan Africa – there remains much to do, and a real opportunity for us to continue to build on the great work CanEducate has started.

The Oscar winning actor (and UNESCO Special Envoy for Peace and Reconciliation), Forest Whitaker, spoke in the fall about the value of literacy, and particularly the importance of targeting programs to women and young girls, whose literacy rates are often lower than men’s. This is an aim we share at CanEducate and many of the success stories you can read on our website talk to the difference your donations are making to the lives of young girls and women in the communities we work.

As always, on behalf of everyone at CanEducate, I’d like to offer my sincere gratitude to our donors for your continued support. The work we are doing is making a difference and we’re excited about the opportunities that remain ahead of us.
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