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CanEducate Announces Partnership With Help For Haiti

CanEducate is proud to announce an expansion to its fifth country through a new partnership with Help for Haiti, a charitable organization with a three-part mission to feed and educate children, and to support them until they have the employment skills to secure their future.

Help for Haiti was founded in 2010 and collaborates with donors, volunteers and strategic partners – like CanEducate – to provide meals and schooling to children from Kindergarten through Grade 10 within two schools in north Haiti.  Help for Haiti has provided ongoing support for these schools in the form of over 1.5 million meals for the students as well as payments to the teachers to ensure that the schools’ long-term sustainability. In alignment with one of CanEducate’s strategic focuses to support education among young women in impoverished countries, we are pleased that the balance of students in the population at the two sponsored schools in Haiti is 52% female and 48% male.

“Given the strong alignment between CanEducate’s mission and the ongoing work of Help for Haiti, CanEducate is very proud to announce our donation of $20,000 to support student tuition costs along with financial assistance to cover meals for 242 students,” said Rishi Ghuldu, President, CanEducate. “At CanEducate we passionately believe education is the single most powerful weapon in the global fight against poverty. We are very proud with this announcement to continue to expand our footprint and mission to provide support to at-risk children in developing countries.”

CanEducate Board Member, Brendan Hughes, has a grandfather that has been involved with Help for Haiti. His grandfather, Mike Hughes, has been instrumental in the funding and support of the two current schools in Haiti supported by Help for Haiti in addition to the ongoing expansion project of a third facility. Mike has personally been to Haiti on several occasions to check on the progress of the schools, which provides confidence for CanEducate to enter into this transformative partnership. The CanEducate team couldn’t be more excited to partner with Help for Haiti on this venture and we look forward to making a difference just as we have done in Guatemala, Zambia, Tanzania, and India.

According to recent data from The World Bank, Haiti remains the poorest country of the Americas with approximately 60% of the country living below the national poverty line of $2.41 of income per day. Furthermore, 2017 global GDP per capita rankings show that Haiti’s output is the 6th lowest in the world. Given these immense challenges, CanEducate is proud to support Help for Haiti to use education as a foundation to build generations of young people that will tackle the future path of the country.

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