
Aneth Shadrack

Aneth Shadrack

My name is Aneth Shadrack. I am a Form 3 student at Nyamongo secondary school from Nyangoto village near the North Mara Gold Mine. Today, I am able to continue with my education only because of the CanEducate program. When I graduated from middle school , my parents had no money to provide for my future schooling. Unexpectedly to my surprise, I was able to enroll into the CanEducate program and now I’m in school expecting to complete Form 4 in 2018. I had two friends (girls) with whom I finished my primary education and they both are mothers today. When I sit back and think about my journey, I really feel like I was rescued by CanEducate. If it wasn’t for this organization I would also have been married as a child. I thank god for the good people at CanEducate, my words can never express my gratitude for them. I wish them the best and pray that they continue to help girls like me. One day I expect to be a doctor and today I believe it is possible.

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