
Regina Mashinyali

Regina Mashinyali

I have been supported by Caneducte program since I was in form one. I live with my relatives and we are 7 in our family and I am the only child who has gone to school. I have to do a lot so as to earn fund to pay school expenses but fortunately when Caneducate stared to pay my school expenses I was happy and able to concentrate on my studies. I remember I wanted to live the school when I was in form two because of family problems, my examination fees were not paid my parents had no money at that time and at school the teacher were sending us back home to collect money. In good luck Caneducate since then have been able to pay for my school fees, school uniform, exercise books and other school contributions. To be honest, my performance has increased after knowing that my school expenses will be supported. In form one I was 39 out of 139, in form two was 18 and in form three I became the 4th students out of 139 students. I will work hard to get my own job. My appreciation goes to all Caneducate donors and other who supported this program.

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